Welcome to our website

Message of the President

Cypres Handicapped Association is a non Profit making Association, which took birth in 1993 and was officially registered in July 1998. Its main objective is to enhance the status of disabled and needy persons and make them autonomous people.
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of Cypres Handicapped Association

In July 1993, while on visit to some relatives in Belgium, Nicole Dercy had the opportunity to meet other physically disabled persons at Beauraing, There, she was struck by the attention and caring a woman was giving to a handicapped person. At first, Nicole thought that the latter was her child but she was astonished to find out that this woman was only a volunteer giving her love and attention to those in need. It was at that very moment that it flashed to Nicole’s mind that something must be done to the physically disabled of Mauritius.

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— Services we offer —


Day Care Centre



  1. Membership of the Association is open:
    • To physically Handicapped Persons.
    • To any persons wishing to help the Handicapped Members of the age of 18yrs and over.
  2. No minor shall be admitted as a member of the Association.
  3. The Members shall on admission pay entrance fees of 100 rupees and a monthly subscription of 30 rupees.
  4. Application for Membership shall be made in writing and addressed to the secretary.
  5. The decision to accept or reject any application for Membership rests with the Managing committee, which shall give a reason in case of rejection.
— Our Recent Activities —